United Arts Agency | UAA

What We’re Watching: A Course on the Imaginal: Cultivating the Visionary Self

“In the face of compounding historical traumas, environmental collapse, and chronic uncertainty, we know as a species that we need something radically different. Yet, many of us feel the pain of not knowing where to begin. In this course, we will explore and exercise our creative muscle in order to strengthen our visionary self. When we create as a form of prayer, the space inside and between us becomes a sanctuary. The opening of portals for futures unknown.”

“Come, let us sit together in circles of wonder and creative devotion. There are no answers here; this is an enchanting dance with the unknown, so let us become a fellowship of voyagers. This course is an invitation to surrender. The etymology of ‘surrender’ is to make from above. In these times, the inner visionary must reach beyond the realms of this world and into one that already exist, simultaneously within and just beyond us, pulling it down into existence through a faithful act of co-creation.”

Join Alixa Garcia for this 4-month workshop series September-December. It is offered virtually via zoom and scholarships are available. 50% of all tuition will go towards supporting our sisters and brothers who are protecting the Amazon Rainforest.

Register for the session here.