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Category Archives: Artist Blog

Up next for the DiscoBug is a safety fence that surrounds the Bug.  The trick is…

Up next for the DiscoBug is a safety fence that surrounds the Bug. The trick is…

Up next for the DiscoBug is a safety fence that surrounds the Bug. The trick is to make is substantial enough to keep people out while looking good while not obscuring the art. I think we have come up with a good plan. Stay tuned to see how we put it all together. #brilliantbaltimore #lightcity2019 #discobug #tylerfuquacreations #vw


The engineer who did the calcs for the Space Plants needed a picture of them for…

The engineer who did the calcs for the Space Plants needed a picture of them for…

The engineer who did the calcs for the Space Plants needed a picture of them for an inner-office engineering contest. I threw the Cosmic Space Frog skin behind them and sent this pic to him. He thinks we are a shoe in to win. Who knows, maybe it will lead to future projects for TFC. #spaceplants #tylerfuquacreations #grummelengineering
