The Cosmic Space Worm is all ready to roll at SaaStr in San Jose. #cosmicspaceworm #tylerfuquacreations
Just chilling in the cold night with Wormin. #tylerfuquacreations #cosmicspaceworm #saastr2019
The Psychedahlia Garden is all ready to go for the Portland Winter Light Fest! The Garden is located under the cover of the World Trade Center but there are a ton of other art installations at OMSI, PSU, and everywhere in between. It starts today at 6 and it’s FREE! #psychedahlias #psychedahliagarden #tylerfuquacreations #pwlf
The first parts for our Lynchview Park art installations in Portland just arrived. Exciting times!
Finally having a real shop to work in means that organization is the key to success. Here is a custom battery charging station we made with reclaimed lumber. #teamridgid #tylerfuquacreations
Blinged out one of my welding gloves in anticipation of next weekend. #tylerfuquacreations #tyfu #endgame #avengers #infinitygauntlet #welding
Adding a bit of color to the TFC shop cabinets with a custom paint job by Jason Hutchinson. #tylerfuquacreations
Area 15…coming later this year to Las Vegas. Starring Mechan 9. #tylerfuquacreations #area15 #mechan9