And at night, the Psychedahlia Garden provided plenty of visual stimulation! #oregoncountryfair #tylerfuquacreations #psychedahlias #psychedahlias #oregoncountryfair2018 #xavanadu
I think this year will be our 10th official Saturday Night Spectacular at the Northwest String Summit! What oh what do we have in store for this year? #northweststringsummit #nwss2018
Here is a great shot by Jason Charme of the Worm King (Jason Hutchinson) as he commands his worms to entertain the crowd at the Northwest String Summit. #nwss2018
The signal has been sent. Mechan X is on its way. #mechanx #mechan9 #mechaninc #tylerfuquacreations #burningman2018 #lifeisbeautiful2018
A great nighttime shot of the #psychedahliagarden at the #northweststringsummit by Jason Charme.
Nothing like some 2D robot layout. #mechanx #mechan9 #mechaninc #tylerfuquacreations #lifeisbeautiful2018
We take care of our robot builders on the Mechan X job site. #mechan9 #mechanx #lifeisbeautiful2018 #tylerfuquacreations #fallenrobot
Our Psychedahlia Garden at the Northwest String Summit 2018. Photo by Jason Charme. #psychedahlias #Psychedahliagarden #northweststringsummit2018 #northweststringsummit #tylerfuquacreations