United Arts Agency | UAA



Here is our brand new logo for our newest robot soon to be debuted in Camden, Ne…

Here is our brand new logo for our newest robot soon to be debuted in Camden, Ne…

Here is our brand new logo for our newest robot soon to be debuted in Camden, New Jersey next month. We’ve had to wait a long year in order to bring this creation to the people of Camden. We think it will be well worth the wait! Logo designed by our multi-talented Jason Hutchinson. #anewviewcamden #cityofcamdengovernment #coopersferrypartnership #rutgers_camden #tylerfuquacreations #mechan11 #mechan9 #mechanx #mechaninc #giantrobot


With a little trial and error, we managed to knock out the first ever Mechan 11 …

With a little trial and error, we managed to knock out the first ever Mechan 11 …

With a little trial and error, we managed to knock out the first ever Mechan 11 t-shirts. #anewviewcamden #cityofcamdengovernment #coopersferrypartnership #rutgers_camden #tylerfuquacreations #mechan11 #mechan9 #mechanx #mechaninc #giantrobot
