United Arts Agency | UAA

August/September Spotlight: Good Chaos

GIA is pleased to announce four new members to the Support for Individual Artists (SfIA) Committee.  

Lydia Boss, Program Co-Director, Artist Trust 
Clarissa Crawford, Director of Strategic Partnerships, Alternate ROOTS 
Adam DesJardins, Program Officer, Fred A. and Babara M. Erb Family Foundation 
Michelle Johnson, Senior Program Officer, The Kresge Foundation 

GIA members have been working together to promote and improve funding for individual artists for more than 20 years. The Committee has been one of the most active groups of funders within GIA serving the field through a variety of projects including a scan of scholarly research on artist support; a visual timeline outlining the history of artist support funding; major publications; a research project on data collection to support individual artists; GIA’s annual Individual Artist preconference; and other programs.  

View the 2023 Individual Artist Preconference summary here.